Wednesday, August 22, 2012

vintage airplane birthday party.

I LOVE birthday parties! It's such a fun graphic design application. PLUS I usually get invited to the party to take photos and enjoy the cake! This is a party for one of my little girl's best friends. His daddy is a pilot, so naturally he loves planes. They have a lot of special collectors items plus momma is a pretty impressive crafter (I would love to take credit for the poofs and pinwheels, but that was all her) so the decor was so much fun!

Thanks for flying by!


  1. jaymee22.8.12

    This is so cute! You guys did a great job.

  2. Adorable party plan!! Simply loved the entire work. Going to organize my niece’s birthday party at Chicago venues. Will take my friend’s help as she is an event planner. Want to make this day amazing and enjoyable for the day.


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